Вот здесь лежит небольшое исследование с доказательствами того, что Шерлок Холмс - предок Спока и засланец с планеты Вулкан: st-tos.diary.ru/p67572614.htm Статья называется: Шерлок Холмс - исследователь маленькой планеты
Если у этой теории есть приверженцы, то мне случайно попалось продолжение этой теории и еще кое-какие доказательства. Вдруг кому-то будет интересно.
В сети появился учебный фильм из цикла "The Universe & I" под названием The Interior Motive производства Kentucky Educational Television (KET) с Леонардом Нимоем в роли Шерлока Холмса. Раньше на ютьюбе был только кусочек. В этом фильме Холмс-Нимой как раз исследует "маленькую планету". Вроде тут пока этого не было.
транскрипт: читать дальше "The Interior Motive" transcription
Sherlock Holmes: Leonard Nimoy Dr. Watson: Burt Blackwell The Globe: Earth
SCENE 1 "Read the note again." says Sherlock, as he puffs on his pipe. Watson:"My secrets within you must seek out." "But spare my skin or break my heart."
Sherlock: " Hmm, No signature on the note. And no one saw it arrive. Yet it wasn't there when I went for breakfast at eight o'six and Scroggins the newsboy would have seen it arrive after eight fifteen. Most intriguing,hmm. Most unusual. I've never seen anything like it before."
Watson: "Perhaps the note is a code. You know-some sort of message." Sherlock: "Hmm, not likely. No. Whoever sent us this pretty puzzle, means for us to probe it's interior. The note simply provides the rules of the game." Watson: "But how can we find what's inside if we can't open it and look inside." Sherlock- "By inference old mole, by inference! We must learn what we can from the surface and then see if that allows us to draw any conclusions about what may be beneath.
Watson: "Look here old man, we've been at it for hours. As far as I can see we've precious little to show for our efforts. The representatives of the Royal Society will be here tonight." Sherlock: "Patience old fish! Now let's go back to the beginning and summarize, what we've learned so far."
Watson, reading from his notebook: "Most of the surface is damp. However, there are raised portions that are dry. There is also a thin film of ice at either end. There's a good deal of variation in surface temperature and very exact measurement shows that the sphere is ever so slightly pear-shaped."
Sherlock: "Hmm-go on!" Watson: "I don't see where this is getting us. What does it tell us about the interior?" Sherlock: "Patience old pup. What else do we know?" Watson: "Well it..." " When you weighed a tiny sample of the surface material, we noticed it didn't weigh enough to account for the entire weight of the sphere."
Sherlock: "Ah Haa!" Watson: Well what does that tell us?" Sherlock:"Elementary! It tells us the material of the interior must be heavier than the surface material. The sphere is not made of the same substance all the way through." Watson: " Hmm..That's not very much." Sherlock: "Then we shall have to learn more." Hmm.. hmm.. hmm.. (chuckling) Have you a thermometer? Watson: " Thermometer? I say what for? Oh yes, one moment. Here it is."
Sherlock: " Now we have determined that the temperature varies across the surface, but not whether it changes as we move inward. This will just take a moment." ( as he inserts thermometer into a small hole). AMAZING! Let me see.. we'll try this little hole here. Oh, HAA HAA! Just as I suspected. The temperature increases very sharply just below the surface. Now let me see what else we have here: gadgets, gadgets, gadgets, gadgets, gadgets! Pills, pills, pills. A mallet! Aha. HaHAA! A stethoscope! The very thing. A compass? Going hiking old boy?
Watson: "It's for my nephew's birthday. If you must.." Sherlock: "Shh!"... Watson: "What?" Sherlock: "Please! There it is again!" Watson: "I didn't hear anything." Sherlock: " Very slight rumbling at infrequent intervals. Hmm Hmm..If only there were some way to measure them more accurately." HmHmHmHm... Aa Ha Ha By Jove, I think we'll beat this thing yet." Watson: " Well it beats me!-- at least for the moment. I want some tea!"
SCENE 2 As the clock chimes, Sherlock still ponders the puzzle........... Watson: "You've been poking around that thing for hours. Are you on to something?"
Sherlock: "Let's find out." "If you Doctor will be so kind as to draw the drapes. I will adjust these mirrors. That's about right." "All right now...hmmm..all right now." (Looking through a magnifying glass and adjusting mirrors with forceps)."Perfect!" And a little bit of this.. and .."( As he lights and adjusts the oil lamp). Ah ah, so.. ( As he moves his chair).
Sherlock: "The mallet please Doctor." Watson: "You left it.. in my chair." Sherlock: "Quite so, Thank you." "Our magic lantern show is about to begin." Watson: "It's all done with the mirrors, eh?"
Sherlock: "Mmmmm ..Now watch. I've discovered two types of vibrations within this sphere, which I call primary and secondary. The primary vibrations travel through solids,liquids and gasses. The secondary vibrations travel only through solids. Now watch the light on the left. It moves only in response to the primary vibrations. They occur from time to time spontaneously, but I shall duplicate them with this mallet." Watson: "It moved twice!" Sherlock: "Excellent my dear fellow. You really do show promise on occasion."
Watson: "These primary waves of yours travel at two different speeds through the sphere?" Sherlock: "Correct!" Watson: "But I don't see why?" Sherlock:"Wait a minute"."(As he hits the globe again with the mallet). "Hellooo- What's this?" Watson: "What?"
Sherlock: " When I tap here, near the mirrors, I get both primary and secondary vibrations. When I tap here on the opposite side of the sphere, I get only primary vibrations and they take longer to arrive than one would expect. I feel both these facts are most significant."
Watson: "What if you tapped ah about halfway between the two." Sherlock: "Let's try." Watson: "Go ahead I'm watching." ( As Sherlock hits the globe again). Sherlock: "I did. I'll do it again." Watson: "They aren't moving." Sherlock: "Incredible!" "All right. Open the drapes."
(Sherlock puts down the mallet, pushes in his chair and paces the room while lighting his pipe as he ponders the results of his experiment. Watson begins to put some of the items away. Suddenly Watson pauses.)
Watson: "Uh eh I say ole'chap. I-I , I say ole'chap. I say ole' chap!" Sherlock: Hmmm? Watson: "Which way is north?" Sherlock: "That way" ( As he points to his right.) Watson: " Uh, I just noticed the compass. The compass needle should be pointing north. But it isn't. It's pointing towards the sphere."
Sherlock: ( Stops pacing and looks) "Why heaven ole'man. You just found the missing piece to our puzzle. What a fool I was not to have seen it earlier." Watson: Ha ha, it's not that big .... seen what?" Sherlock: "All your questions will be answered here tonight. At a meeting of the Royal Society."
SCENE 3 Sometime later in the evening. Several gentlemen enter Holmes' home and exchange pleasantries. Sherlock thoughtfully smokes his pipe then puts it down to begin the meeting of The Royal Society. He calls the meeting to order....
Sherlock: "Well then gentlemen, to begin. " (They all take their seats, as Sherlock stands behind the globe).
Sherlock: "This object was mysteriously delivered to me early this morning, along with this note; which challenged me to probe it's interior without disturbing the surface. I was forced to rely entirely on what I could learn from the surface and my powers of inference."
(Sherlock moves to and indicates a large flip pad with notes, leaning on the wall, from which he reads)
Sherlock: "First: The surface material is less dense than the sphere as a whole. From this we conclude that the inner material must be more dense, than the surface material." "Second: The temperature of the sphere increases very sharply, immediately beneath the surface. If this continues all the way to the center, the core must be the temperature of three to six thousand degrees Celsius. At that temperature almost all materials will have liquefied." "Now I detected two types of vibrations within the sphere. I was able to duplicate them with the good doctor's mallet and separate them with the mirror arrangement which you've already seen." "The first thing I noticed was that the primary vibrations which travel though solids, liquids and gasses, were traveling at two different rates of speed through the sphere."
(Having gone through three pages of notes, he now flips to the chalkboard base and he picks up chalk to illustrate his points.)
"Now -I knew that the waves traveled faster through the denser material. The waves arrive in two discrete bursts. This lead me to suspect that there are two layers beneath the surface. One, two." (As he draws his illustration). "The primary waves which travel through the "low" road, through the denser material; arrive first. Further work should allow us to pinpoint the boundary and figure the relative density of the two layers." (Sherlock now flips back to his notes)
"Now fourth: when I generated primary and secondary waves at various points on the sphere, I noticed that the secondary waves which pass only through solids could not pass through the core. From this I induced that the core must be liquid,though there may be a smaller more solid inner core." "I also noticed a delay in the transmission of the primary waves. From which knowing how their speed relates to the density of their medium, I was able to guess at the density of the core." "Now I discovered a shadow zone, when no waves could be detected. Here , (pointing to another diagram), this allowed me to determine the dimensions of the core. I detected primary and secondary waves here, no waves here and only primary waves here." "This is why: You'll notice the waves can proceed along path A and path B with no trouble, although B just misses the core. A primary wave proceeding along path C would be refracted here as it enters the core and here as it leaves the core and emerge here. No waves can emerge here,( pointing to areas between B and C) and only primary waves can follow path C and path D ." "Now -knowing where the zone begins, where the wave just misses the core, gives us the radius of the core." "The final piece of information which my colleague discovered, was that the sphere generates a magnetic field. This suggested to me that the core might be of a magnetic material, perhaps iron or nickel."
"Now gentlemen -what have we discovered about the interior of this sphere?" - "It has a boundary right below the surface." - "It gets hotter and denser,right down to a large core of molten metal." (Applause)
"These are only the basics. The problem is far more complex than I have indicated. What I wish to emphasize is my method. I reasoned from the known to the unknown, much as I would in solving a crime. From the known, the corpse and the clues-to the unknown, the identity of the murderer. The process is the same and I suspect, that every good detective is at heart a scientist and every good scientist a detective." ( Applause)
Watson: (Shaking Sherlock's hand) "Well done! You've answered every question!" Sherlock: "Not really , I haven't answered the two most important questions of all." Watson: "Er? What questions?" Sherlock: "Where did it come from and what earthly good is it?" Watson: "Haven't the foggiest notion. Sherlock: "Neither have I old chap. "Neither have I."
Краткое содержание: Это учебная программа. Данная тема посвящена строению нашей планеты. Холмс находит под дверью сферу с шифрованной запиской. Уотсон подталкивает Холмса решить загадку, прежде чем члены Королевского научного общества заглянут вечером к ним домой. Задание таково: не портя оболочку сферы, нужно догадаться, что там внутри. Нет, Спок Холмс ведь не гадает! Оба не гадают! Нужно путем логических выводов выяснить это. Холмс использует различные приспособления: термометр, молоточек, зеркала, линзы, компас... и в итоге приходит к выводу, что там жидкий металл. Ну а мы и так видим, что это модель земли. И в заключение говорит: "Полагаю, что каждый хороший детектив в душе - ученый, а каждый хороший ученый - детектив". (I suspect, that every good detective is at heart a scientist and every good scientist a detective). Правда, кто подсунул им эту загадку, ни Холмс ни Ватсон так и не поняли.
Я пыталась рассмотреть его уши (ближе к концу они стали видны из-под волос), и то ли такое качество видео, то ли обман зрения, но мне показалось, что они немножко остренькие.
Но основное доказательство, конечно, вот:
Джордж Расмуссен, продюсер сериала, видно чем-то не угодил то ли Леонарду Нимою, то ли самому Шерлоку Холмсу, за что опробовал на себе знаменитый вулканский захват. В общем, прокололся мистер Холмс!
Какая милота!!!! В этом ролике все прекрасно - и титры с доисторической графикой, и красивые буквы, и идеальной красоты руки Леонарда, и его волшебный голос, и забавные нарочитые интонации, и халат (!), и аццки красные стены, заички-ученые, и даже крутящаяся этажерка!
В этом ролике все прекрасно - и титры с доисторической графикой, и красивые буквы, и идеальной красоты руки Леонарда, и его волшебный голос, и забавные нарочитые интонации, и халат (!), и аццки красные стены, заички-ученые, и даже крутящаяся этажерка!
-tafa, о да, руки у Леонарда Нимоя очень красивые, и я бы тоже сказала, что они идеальные.